Everything stopped, everything a statue all around me.Cold and wet, tired and exhausted she made her way along the path through the forest.I couldn't believe a word he told me any more and why had he brought me here?.I heard the music as I entered the room, but all that was there was a violin, lay there on it's back on the bare floorboards.How many cats where there? Why were they all here together? Hundreds of eyes peered at me through the darkness in the alley.Wrapped up warm against the icy fingers of dusk, the caretaker closed the cemetery gates, who was that watching him?."Hello," I said, "Hello." No one was there. His heart was warmed though in the knowledge that he was rich. The two coins in his pocket clinked together as he stumbled down the cold pavement, the holes in his shoes turning his feet into blocks of ice.Keeping watch at the side of the ship, George was tiring his eyes weary from constantly searching the horizon, were they also playing tricks on him? What was that waving from the rocks?."Witches don't exist!" My gran's words echoed around my head as the horrific visage gurned at me through my bedroom window.The wardrobe doors opened and it came out of my wardrobe. I woke up with a start, something was in my room.Peeking through the window her surprise turned to horror.Why did it feel like he was nearing the gallows? He wandered aimlessly through the house seeking any form of distraction to avoid the inevitable doom.Closer and closer it came, it was getting bigger and bigger, soon it filled the sky above, was the moon falling?.Grey and foreboding, the castle stood atop the hill looking down across the small town, in the topmost window of the highest tower stood a small boy called.

No one had the code, who could have opened it? But like they say, there is a first time for everything.